Orientation / Reorientation

Why you should consider a Global MBA

In today’s ever-evolving global landscape, the pursuit of a Global Master of Business Administration (MBA) has taken on remarkable significance. As international business and education continue to play an increasingly important role, individuals around the world are recognising the immense value of a Global MBA in shaping their careers and opening doors to a world


What is the best place to study in France?

What is the best place to study in France? Choosing the right place to study in France is an extremely important decision. In this article, we look at the factors that make Lyon the quintessential study destination. Known for its exceptional academic programmes, its affordability and its rich cultural tapestry, Lyon emerges as the first

Which studies to work in the environment?

Faced with the climate emergency, global warming, the disappearance of plant and animal species, pollution, melting ice and many other causes, young people are mobilizing for the planet as shown by the study of Credoc (Research Center for the study and observation of living conditions) published in 2019. They are, in fact, more concerned about

Etudier dans une école de commerce

5 very good reasons to join a business school in France

Business schools are often talked about in a positive light, but also in a negative light. Indeed, many people are still convinced by certain prejudices. In our article, we will give you 5 good reasons why you should join a business school in France! Professional speakers Finally, it is more than obvious that thanks to

Digital Communication Expert: what are his missions and skills?

The Digital Communication Specialist or Expert in Digital Communication is one of the most sought after digital profiles, given the growing need of companies for profiles capable of developing communication strategies, both internal and external, in order to improve their corporate image through different digital channels. The main functions of a Digital Communication Specialist Between

Une étudiante en formation en management

Management training in France, for which professions?

The management sector is booming and is constantly evolving. It is particularly diversified and corresponds to the deployment of all the resources of a company to achieve its objectives. Thus the job market is constantly looking for new graduate profiles. The management professions are vast and encompass various sectors of activity. Working in management requires

Why follow the program of a business school?

Choosing to study at a business school opens many doors in the professional world. Business schools have to adapt their programs to the latest developments in technology, so they are rich and diversified. Here are the arguments that can convince you to follow a business school program in this type of establishment. Training content Business

Why study in Paris?

Paris, the City of Light, is often voted among the best student metropolises. It offers a dynamic and pleasant living environment for its inhabitants, and more particularly for students who come from all over the world to live here. Discover the many advantages of this city and why it is a good place to live

S'orienter après le bac, un choix pas toujours facile

What are the options to consider after high school?

Human resources management is a generic term used to describe the management and development of an organization’s employees. Also known as personnel management, it involves overseeing everything related to the management of an organization’s human capital. The position is usually held by fairly experienced individuals, especially those with a master’s degree in human resources. Short