Digital Communication Expert: what are his missions and skills?

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The Digital Communication Specialist or Expert in Digital Communication is one of the most sought after digital profiles, given the growing need of companies for profiles capable of developing communication strategies, both internal and external, in order to improve their corporate image through different digital channels.

The main functions of a Digital Communication Specialist

Between creating, defining and implementing internal and external communication strategies, the tasks carried out by a Digital Communication Expert are quite varied with a single objective: to boost brand awareness and image:

  • Promote relations with the media and communication agencies, thus playing the role of mediator;
  • Generate initiatives to increase the consumption of the product or service offered for sale;
  • Develop digital plans for social networks;
  • Maintain the corporate image of the company in the different digital channels;
  • Ensure the design of web platforms;
  • Supervise, coordinate and manage everything that is published on the company’s website;
  • Take photos and develop institutional videos, especially when working for government entities or in the education sector.

The skills required in a Digital Communication Expert

Excellent writing skills are essential for this profession, as well as communication skills, both in formal and informal situations. Time management and prioritization of tasks are fundamental assets for a Digital Communication Expert.

As this is a profession that applies the fundamentals of design, creativity is one of the qualities constantly required by recruiters. The willingness to carry out tasks in a collective capacity is another prerequisite that is not negligible, since professionals in the field tend to work in multidisciplinary teams. The ease for the digital communication professional to face the challenges of a changing environment par excellence is the other characteristic to take into account.

The training of the Digital Communication Specialist

To fill the position of Digital Communication Specialist, a web training is essential, such as the Digital Business Expert which lasts 5 years. The choice of a specific and well-targeted training allows students to have the right diploma to integrate companies dedicated to digital communication. The Expertise in Digital Communication combines theoretical training with a practical approach. Moreover, it is specially configured to facilitate learning and professional knowledge of communication in search engines, media, social networks, etc.. the goal is to ensure that a maximum of technical and theoretical knowledge is available to the student throughout his course.


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